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Environmental policies

Economic business activities and innovative organisation is often linked with impacts on the natural environment. As part of an overall global, ecological system, we see our day to day business as a contribution towards maintaining the ecological balance and preserving biodiversity in this system. As a business, we acknowledge our special responsibility and want to fulfil our contribution to the preservation of natural living conditions.

For these reasons, Schwerte based J. D. Theile GmbH & Co. KG (JDT) has introduced an efficient environmental management system based on international standards. This system brings about continuous improvements in environmental performance and environmental protection. Through regular internal audits, we monitor compliance with the effectiveness.

In the case of new products and production processes, we already take environmental protection requirements into account during the development and testing phase. Even when planning production processes, as well as when setting up and operating our technical systems, we strive to use only the best available technology. In addition, we take all opportunities to save energy and raw materials as well as to avoid, reduce and recycle pollutants, noise emissions and reduce. In addition, we put recyclable factions back into the economic cycle and dispose of non-recyclable raw materials properly in cooperation with specialist companies. Under our own responsibility, we monitor and check systems and processes as well as air, water, soil, waste and noise.

We fulfil the legal requirements within our value added processes.

An internal "environment team" made up of responsible persons from all divisions within JDT ensures that environmental policies and environmental targets are permanently implemented in practice. The responsibility for this area of the business lies with the management. Thanks to a quick and open flow of information, potentials for improvement can be quickly identified and individual measures can be essentially implemented, without delays.

Each member of staff in our company is required and obliged to make an active contribution towards protecting the environment. Through information and training, we promote the environmentally conscious behaviour of our staff. All workplaces are designed to protect the health and safety of employees. Our staff are constantly reminded of their own responsibility for the safe execution of their work. Every member of staff has the right to contribute to innovations and improvements within the scope of the internal suggestion system.

We maintain an open dialogue with the political establishment, authorities, the public as well as groups within the wider society – we develop and maintain partnerships.

Our environmental policies

  • Conserving the natural basis for life
    Business activity always has an impact on the environment. This is why we aim to keep impacts on the natural environment as low as possible. 
  • Reducing our burden on the environment
    With the environmental management system, the company aims to make a contribution towards a sustainable business e.g. by avoiding/reducing the consumption of energy and materials as well as the emission of pollutants.

The principle: Avoid before reducing - Recycle before disposal.

  • Getting all stakeholders involved
    The decisive factors for achieving environmental goals are the motivation and   creativity of the staff as well as regular training concerning current environmental topics.
  • Openly inform
    We carry out a factual and comprehensive dialogue on the topic of environmental protection with staff, authorities and residents.

Even if JDT`s influence on global climate is relatively small, we still want to make our contribution and see our environmental management together with energy management as controlling elements. We are aware that JDT is primarily rather than secondarily affected by climate change and its direct effects, but we still want to set ourselves the task of achieving changes and improvements as part of global restructuring.we still want to make our contribution and see our environmental management together with energy management as controlling elements. We are aware that JDT is primarily rather than secondarily affected by climate change and its direct effects, but we still want to set ourselves the task of achieving changes and improvements as part of global restructuring.

As in the past, the topic of the "Environment and Environmentally Relevant Areas" will be our constant companion over the next few years and will be absorbed into the EMS. Its success depends on the participation of each individual member of staff.
