In the shift towards renewable energies, electricity generated from wind turbines is becoming ever more importent. JDT has many years of experience in build-up wind turbines with the use of its specially developed lifting systems.
Due to the constant increase in the size and weight of the tower segments, JDT has developed a wide range of counter retention plate systems. In combination with the JDT ENORM lifting equipment grade 10 and the special Theipa Point ballbearing-mounted attachment swivels, a load capacity of up to 100t can be guaranteed during assembly.

As a result of JDT modular systems, assembly work can take place with a perfectly balanced weight. This does not just save time, but it also reduces the risk of accidents. In addition, the retention systems sumultaneously act to ensure secure loading.

2. THEIPA Point | THEIPA Point Special
With an extra long thread that fits the flange, the Theipa Point attachment swivels ensure secure support and an even load with weights of up to 100t.

3. Chain slings and accessories Grade10 ENORM
The use of our high-performance ENORM material leads to an increase in the load capacity of our attachment elements with an identical nominal size and weight.
As such, the ENORM chain systems achieve a maximum load capacity of 26,5t per individual line.
Deflexion rollers ensure an even distribution of the forces and a secure assembly process.
The comprehensive range of ENORM Grade 10 ranges from nominal size 6 to 26 mm.
Feel free to contact us by phone or email. We will be pleased to advice you.